(Initializing variables)
(set: $TrustLevel to 0)
(set: $UraliteCount to 0)
(set: $AskedMariaAboutHome to false)
(set: $LearnedMariaSisterName to false)
(set: $AskedMariaAboutPrison to false)1st Door.
|1stDoorChoice>[(link: "Ask Maria about home.")[(replace:?1stDoorChoice)[(display:"MariaHomeConversation")]]
(link: "Ask Maria about prison.")[(replace:?1stDoorChoice)[(set: $AskedMariaAboutPrison to true)prison conversation
[[Move on|2ndDoor]].]]
]{(set: $AskedMariaAboutHome to true)
(set: $LearnedMariaSisterName to true)
}Maria: Home? You mean before or after I got this piece of shit detail. Home was The Bario... (tells her back story. Mentions her sister, Katrina, by name)
[[Move on|2ndDoor]].2nd door.
talking to Maria
(if: $AskedMariaAboutHome)[|2ndDoorChoice>[(link:"Ask Maria what happened to Kathrine")[(set: $WrongName to "Kathrine")(replace:?2ndDoorChoice)[(display:"MariaSisterFail")]]
(link:"Ask Maria what happened to Katarina")[(set: $WrongName to "Katarina")(replace:?2ndDoorChoice)[(display:"MariaSisterFail")]]
(link:"Ask Maria what happened to Katrina")[(replace:?2ndDoorChoice)[(display:"MariaSisterCorrect")]]
(link:"Ask Maria what happened to Kathadin")[(set: $WrongName to "Kathadin")(replace:?2ndDoorChoice)[(display:"MariaSisterFail")]]]](else-if:$AskedMariaAboutPrison)[Conversation related to prison.]$WrongName? Who the fuck is $WrongName? Listen, I don't have time to chat-- in case you haven't noticed we're trying to breach a door. (set: $TrustLevel to it - 5)Katrina, man, wouldn't I like to know? She was on a bad path when I left, spending a lot of time her boyfriend, and this guy was bad news.. (etc.)
(plus 5 trust)(set: $TrustLevel to it + 5){(transition: 'dissolve')[(live: 800ms)[URALITE: $UraliteCount TRUST: $TrustLevel]]}